Anatomical Descriptions of the Green Iguana
Project Title: Anatomical descriptions of the green iguana
Start Date: 2020
Lead Researcher(s): Dr. Meg Hall, Dr. Chris Heesy, Dr. Scott Echols
Contributing Researchers: Dr. Heather Smith, Dr. Terry Norton
Project Purpose: To define and publish the anatomy of the green iguana (Iguana iguana). This common pet surprisingly has little detailed anatomic descriptions.
Funding Needed: Fully funded.
Special Notes: Special thanks to Dr. Terry Norton and his team at the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, FL.
Publications Produced: Not at this time.

Mojave Rattlesnake Anatomy Study
Project Title: Mojave rattlesnake Anatomy Study
Start Date: 2020
Lead Researcher(s): Dr. Ray Wilhite, Dr. Scott Echols
Contributing Researchers: To be determined.
Project Purpose: To define and publish the anatomy of opportunistically available Mojave rattlesnakes (Crotalus scutulatus).
Funding Needed: Fully funded.
Special Notes: Special thanks to Shane Richins at Scales and Tails Utah for his contribution.
Publications Produced: Not at this time.
Monitor Anatomy Study
Project Title: Monitor Anatomy
Start Date: 2021
Lead Researcher(s): Dr. Jason Bourke, Dr. Scott Echols
Contributing Researchers: N/A
Project Purpose: To define and publish the anatomy of opportunistically available monitor species.
Funding Needed: Funded for preliminary work only.
Special Notes: For more details on Dr. Bourke, you can visit his website:
Publications Produced: Not at this time.
Sea Turtle Anatomy Study
Project Title: Sea Turtle Anatomy Study
Start Date: 2020
Lead Researcher(s): Dr. Jeanette Wyneken, Dr. Scott Echols
Contributing Researchers: Dr. Shane Boylan and Dr. Tres Clarke.
Project Purpose: To define and publish the anatomy of opportunistically available sea turtles (leatherback [Dermochelys coriacea], loggerhead [Caretta caretta] and green [Chelonia mydas]).
Funding Needed: Funded for preliminary work only.
Special Notes: Dr. Wyneken is the foremost authority on sea turtle anatomy. Given the new technology available, we hope to add significantly to the body of information in the turtle anatomy literature. We are starting with baby sea turtle neuro anatomy. The next step will be to identify full anatomy of larger sea turtles.
Publications Produced: Not at this time.

Tortoise Anatomy Study
Project Title: Comprehensive anatomy of tortoise species
Start Date: 2022
Lead Researcher(s): Dr. Heather Smith, Dr. Scott Echols
Contributing Researchers: Madison Berg, Satarah Jackson, DVM (2023), Hebah Mohamed, DVM (2023), Mia Felix (MWU CVM, 2024), Emily Napoles (MWU CVM, 2024), Jules Stevens, Carolyn Brown.
Project Purpose: To define, compare and publish the anatomy of the tortoise species. We will combine this anatomic information with clinical data in an effort to better understand diseases that affect tortoise species.
Funding Needed: Partially funded. Current funding has come from Kevin Wright Memorial Grant from Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV) and the Tia Greenberg Foundation for Exotic Animal Research.
Special Notes: Numerous clients, veterinarians and wildlife rescue centers have participated by providing specimens for the study.
Publications Produced: Yes.
Berg ML, Echols MS, Smith HF. Comparison of cardiac anatomy in tortoises using CT scans and imaging analysis software. American Association of Anatomy Annual Conference, Washington DC, 2023.

Smith HF, Ryan J, Berg M, Adrian B, Echols MS. Improving the diagnosis of respiratory tract diseases in captive tortoises using CT scans and radiography. American Association of Anatomy Annual Conference, Washington DC, 2023.

Smith HF, Echols MS, Berg M, et al. Anatomical Adaptations to the Carapacial Hinge in Kinixys Tortoises. AAA Toronto, March 22-25, 2024.