by Dr Reiko Soga
by Sheryl Robinson The Expert Companion Bird Care Series: Volume 1 is an excellent source of avian health and care information for both the novice and experienced bird owner. It covers nutrition, signs of illness, household dangers, appropriate housing, how to select an avian veterinarian and species identification for commonly kept parrots. The information is…
Great content and very well qualified presenters.
I hope this DVD is going to be available in the offices of veterinarians, in pet stores, and on the internet, because the information is valuable and needed.
This DVD introduces a new concept in bird DVD’s – a guide to caring for companion birds, produced and narrated by avian veterinarians.
I highly recommend this DVD both for veterinarians and for veterinarians to offer to bird owners at the time of their bird’s first examination. It gives entertaining and credible coverage of points that are typically included in any well bird examination.